Saturday, 15 March 2014

On the street where I live...

On the street where I live,

Mr X goes to meet Mrs Y

Under the hood of the night...

On the street where I live

I hear a sharp cry

In the middle of the night

And I know they have been fighting again;

Another soul silently victim of violence

Another being stuck in a caged cell..

On the street where I live, I smell pain

And shrink in front of the eyes of vengeance

For night time unleashes Hell;

When Mr X decides to fool his family

When Mrs X lights up a fire

When Mr Y drowns himself in liquor

When a Youth attempts a muffled burglary

When the Prostitute silently exhibits her attire

And a small dispute turns sour..

On the street where I live,

There are bitter hearts and hopeless nights

There are doomed kisses and unseen tears...

On the street where I live

There are nightmares that linger in daylight

There are dark secrets and hovering fears...

Sunday, 2 March 2014

Watching a plant grow....

Watching a plant grow;

Tending to it like a baby,giving it the best of food:

Foliars, fresh manure and silty earth, 

Protecting it from the sparrow and the crow

Being its friend, its protective hood 

The farmer takes care of it as if he himself gave it birth...

Watching a plant grow,

To be dazed at the sight of the first plumule,the first leaflet 

To feel wonder with its first flower

And to wish it was already tomorrow

To simply feel the joy of a well deserved harvest by sunset

After a hard day's work in the changing weather..